The clinical experience by Professor LIU Ming on treating vessel bi was summarized. Vessel bi is similar to the arteriosclerotic occlusive disease. According to Professor LIU,this disease is of deficient root and excessive branch. During the treatment,first,the disease should be correctly understood,and then treat- ment should be based on syndrome differentiation. Triple-jiao syndrome differentiation should be combined with eight principles syndrome differentiation,and also disease differentiation should be combined with syn- drome differentiation. The cause of disease should be emphasized to distinguish deficiency,excess,cold or heat. Local syndrome differentiation should be combined with general syndrome differentiation. The internal and external should be treated simultaneously. Fumigation should be applied. Disease should be classified into different stage and class,and according to the severity suitable treatment is given. The combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine is advocated. The overall effect of treatment is emphasized. In the short-term,the improvement of blood supply in the limb should be achieved,while in the long-term vascular restenosis should be prevented.
Shandong Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
vessel bi
experience by distinguished doctor
LIU Ming