
穷理尽性 观物察己——宋代理学与宋画之理 被引量:4

On the Thoroughly Exploring the Neo—Confucianism and the Intrinsic Character and Studying Things to Acquire Knowledge——A Study of Neo—Confucianism and Song Painting in the Song Dynasty
摘要 宋画尤其是宋代院体画,在崇尚现实主义的20世纪中一直被当成中国现实主义艺术的典范,有人甚至把它看成是世界写实艺术的高峰。但当我们把这种高度写实的艺术连同其画论纳入宋代占有重要影响地位的理学系统中,我们才发现,我们其实并没有真正懂得写实的宋代艺术。从理学看来,格物,即穷万物之理。研究客观世界固然重要,但格物的目的却在尽性,所谓"穷理尽性""观物察已""格物致知",旨归却在人心。因为照理学看来,"性者理也""心即理也""宇宙便是吾心,吾心即是宇宙""万物皆备于我"……这样,我们不仅对宋画中的象征、"造理"、"妙理"、"以大观小"及游观方式,人物类型化要求及种种高度写实中的非写实因素有理解,还可以使宋画及其画论不至成为中国绘画史中前无古人后无来者之突兀奇葩,亦可理解宋画上承唐代"外师造化,中得心源",下启清代"搜尽奇峰打草稿也。山川与予神遇而迹化也,所以终归之于大涤也"之历史价值。 Song paintings, especially the academic paintings in the Song Dynasty, has been regarded as the model of Chinese realism in the 20th century of advocating realism. Some even regard it as the peak of realistic art in the world. However, when we included this highly realistic art together with its theory of painting in the Neo - Confucianism system that occupied an important position in the Song Dynasty, we found that we did not really understand the art of Song Dynasty. According to Neo - Confucianism, to study things, that is, to thoroughly explore the principle of all things. To study the objective world is important admittedly, but the purpose of studying things is to explore the intrinsic character. The so-called "thoroughly exploring the Neo - Confucianism and the intrinsic character", "examine oneself by observing things" and "studying things to acquire knowledge," are aimed at the heart of the people. According to the Neo- Confucianism, it seems that "the intrinsic character is all about Neo - Confucianism", "the heart is the mind", "the universe is my heart, my heart is the universe", "everything is prepared for me" and so on. In this case, we do not only understand symbolism in the Song paintings, "stick to the principals", "wonderful principals", "viewing smallness with the grand sight", and the way of excursion, personality typification, and non-realistic factors in various realistic realism, moreover, it also make paintings in Song Dynasty and its painting theory unlikely become the different and unusual one that shown in the past and will be shown in the future in the history of Chinese painting, furthermore, it can also understand the historical value that the paintings in Song Dynasty followed "art comes from life, but also need an artist's inspiration and creation to make it a piece of art" of painting principal in Tang Dynasty and initiated "to search and draw special mountains as drafts, so that the shape of an objective mountain and my subjective feelings blend together to form a beautiful image, and then to materialize to create the artistic image of mountains and rivers, in this sense, the painted mountains eventually belong to Shi Tao" in Qing Dynasty.
作者 林木 LIN Mu
出处 《艺术探索》 2018年第1期6-12,共7页 Arts Exploration
关键词 宋画 理学 常理 造理 Painting in Song Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism, Common Sense, Stick to the Principals
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