目的探讨学龄前儿童饮食行为与体质量指数(BMI)的关联,为制定儿童早期肥胖的综合干预措施提供依据。方法 2016年5~6月,随机整群抽取武汉市4所一级一类公立日托幼儿园共1 113例儿童,并对其进行一般情况问卷调查和体格测量,利用《儿童饮食行为问卷》评估儿童饮食行为。结果本研究中儿童平均年龄为(4.80±0.97)岁,男女童BMI_Z值分别为(0.37±1.25)和(0.20±1.13),儿童合并超重肥胖率为23.81%。随儿童体质量状态的上升,"情绪性多食""享受食物""总要喝东西"和"对食物的反应"等食物趋向饮食行为得分呈上升趋势(P<0.05),"挑食""对饱足感的反应"和"进食速度慢"等食物逃避饮食行为得分呈下降趋势(P<0.05);多元线性回归校正混杂因素后,"享受食物"(β=0.22,95%CI:0.07~0.37,P<0.05)对儿童BMI_Z仍呈正相关,而"对饱足感的反应"(β=-0.25,95%CI:-0.39^-0.11,P<0.05)和"进食速度慢"(β=-0.12,95%CI:-0.22^-0.02,P<0.05)对儿童BMI_Z呈负相关。结论学龄前儿童超重肥胖和BMI与饮食行为密切相关,及早培养儿童良好饮食行为习惯有助于预防和控制超重肥胖的发生,维持正常BMI。
Objective To discuss the association between eating behavior and body mass index(BMI)in preschool children. Methods A total of 1 113 preschooler were recruited from 4 first-class public kindergartens in Wuhan from May to June,2016 by the random cluster sampling method.A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted to collected social-demographical variables and BMI was calculated by measuring body weight and height by trained staff.The Children′s Eating Behavior Questionnaire(CEBQ)was used to assess the eating behavior of participants and multiple linear regression model was adopted to evaluate the association between children′s eating behavior and the BMI_Z. Results The mean age of total 1 113 preschool children was 4.80±0.97,the BMI_Z was 0.37±1.25 for boys and 0.20±1.13 for girls.The overall overweight and obesity rate was 23.81%.As the BMI_Z increased,the scores of certain eating behaviors of preschool children as "emotional overeating", "enjoyment of food", "desire for drinks" and "responsiveness to food" also increased(P〈0.05),while the scores of other eating styles as " emotional undereating", " satiety responsiveness" and "slowness in eating" decreased(P〈0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that "enjoyment of food" was positively associated with BMI_Z after adjusting for the confounders(β=0.22,95%CI:0.07-0.37,P〈0.05),while satiety responsiveness(β=-0.25,95%CI:-0.39--0.11,P〈0.05)and slowness in eating(β=-0.12,95%CI:-0.22--0.02,P 0.05)were negatively correlated with BMI_Z. Conclusions Eating behavior of preschool children is closely associated with BMI,therefore,a healthy eating style formed from early age of a child may be beneficial in preventing childhood obesity.
Chinese Preventive Medicine