目的对犯罪嫌疑人感染HIV的情况及HIV相关检测结果进行分析,为此类人群的艾滋病防治提出针对性建议。方法对2015-2016年艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing,VCT)门诊接诊的68例犯罪嫌疑人进行面对面访谈,填写检测咨询个案登记表,采血进行HIV抗体和/或CD+4T淋巴细胞计数检测。结果送检对象男性居多,以外地户籍及边远地区少数民族为主,文化程度低,均无正当职业,再犯罪率高。61例有感染HIV的高危行为,其中静脉吸毒(Intravenous drug use,IDU)人员占70.7%。HIV抗体检测36例,阳性21例,其中自述既往检测阳性因无原始资料重新检测者9例,5例既往做过HIV抗体筛查但不知道检测结果中4例阳性,1例HIV抗体阴性者阳转。CD+4T淋巴细胞计数检测52例,平均值(343±169)个/μl,过半感染者达到当时的国家免费抗病毒治疗标准,但只有3例有抗反转录病毒治疗(Antiretroviral therapy,ART)史。结论对公安部门抓获的有感染HIV高危行为的犯罪嫌疑人应进行常规HIV咨询和检测,最大限度发现感染者。告知HIV检测结果并进行相关宣教,形成多部门共同参与的监管机制,以减少艾滋病的传播。
Objective To understand the situation of HIV infection among the criminal suspects and to provide some specific recommendations for the prevention and control of HIV infection in this population. Methods Information of 68 criminal suspects were collected from VCT(HIV voluntary counseling and testing) outpatient clinics from 2015 to 2016,by doing a face-to-face interviews with two well trained investigators. Blood samples of these people had been collected for HIV antibody test(ELISA)and/or CD+4 T cells counts. Results Most of them are male,ethnic minorities,came from economically under-developed remote areas of other provinces,with low level of education,no legitimate occupation,and a high re-crime rate. 61 patients had high-risk behaviors,especially IDU(70. 7%). HIV antibody test were positive in 21 cases,among them,9 previously tested positive cases had been re-tested because of non-available original data. 4 cases were positive among another 5 previously tested cases without informed results. In one case,the HIV antibody conversion from negative to positive had happened. CD+4 T cells counts had been done in 52 cases,with a mean count as(343 ± 169) cells/μl. More than half of these people reached the threshold of the national anti-viral therapy at the time of diagnosis,but only 3 of them had been treated. Conclusion To maximize found infected,all criminal suspects who live with drug addiction,prostitution and other high-risk behaviors shall do HIV test. The infected person should be informed immediately with related health education,by forming a multi-sectoral monitoring system like this,we hope that the HIV endemic among criminal suspects could be reduced.
Journal of Medical Pest Control