
不同人群对生殖细胞捐献的认知差异分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the difference in understanding reproductive cell donation across different populations
摘要 目的探讨当今社会不同人群对生殖细胞捐献的认知及其差异,以期为进一步规范生殖细胞捐献提供理论参考。方法采用纸质问卷和网络问卷对1 458名学生和社会人士进行无记名调查。结果完全不了解生殖细胞捐献的调查对象所占比例高达27.3%,而非常了解生殖细胞捐献的调查对象所占比例仅为2.5%。非常了解生殖细胞捐献的女性所占比例低于男性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。非常了解生殖细胞捐献的社会人士所占比例高于学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查对象了解生殖细胞捐献信息的途径中排列前3位的依次为网络(65.6%)、学校教育(33.7%)及广播影视(32.9%)。通过学校教育了解生殖细胞捐献信息的女性及学生所占比例高于男性及社会人士,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在选择捐精补贴金为1 000~5 000元的调查对象中,男性所占比例高于女性,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在选择无捐卵补贴金的人群中,社会人士所占比例高于学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。61.1%的调查对象能正确认识到捐精对男性身体影响不大。36.8%的调查对象不能正确认识捐卵对女性身体的影响。46.7%的调查对象能正确认识到捐精已合法。8.9%的调查对象能正确认识到捐卵不合法。在是否需要加快健全生殖细胞捐献的法律法规方面,认为"需要"的调查对象所占比例为23.1%。认为"完全不需要"的社会人士所占比例高于学生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论人们对生殖细胞捐献的总体认知水平普遍偏低,且主要通过网络了解相关信息,而学校教育在对学生的引导上具有重要作用。因此,应从学校教育入手,加强生殖细胞捐献知识的宣传,同时应建立适合我国国情的生殖细胞捐献相关法律及管理运作机制,促进生殖细胞捐献的良好发展。 Objective To analyze the difference in understanding reproductive cell donation across different populations in today′s society,which may provide theoretical references for further standardization of reproductive cell donation.Methods An anonymous survey was conducted among 1 458 students and community members by using both electronic and printed questionnaires.Results Up to 27.3% of the interviewees had no understanding about reproductive cell donation.Only 2.5% had a good understanding of reproductive cell donation,and the proportion was significantly lower in females than that in males(P0.05),and significantly higher in community members than that in students(P0.05).The top 3 approaches to obtain information about reproductive cell donation were Internet(65.6%),school education(33.7%),and broadcasting/film/television(32.9%).The proportion of those who obtained information from school education was significantly higher in females than that in males(P0.05),and also higher in students than that in community members(P0.05).More males had a correct understanding of the subsidy for donating sperms than females(P0.05),while more community members had a correct understanding of the subsidy for donating eggs than students(P0.05).About 61.1% of the interviewees understood that "donating sperms does no harm to the health of males",while 36.8% knew that " donating eggs does no harm to the health of females";46.7% knew that "sperm donation is legal",while only 8.9% knew that "egg donation is illegal".In terms of the need for improved laws and regulations about reproductive cell donation,23.1% believed that "this is necessary";the proportion of those who chose "this is absolutely unnecessary" was significantly higher in community members than that in students(P0.05).Conclusion The overall understanding about reproductive cell donation is generally poor at present.Internet is now the main approach to obtain relevant information,but school education should play an important role in educating students.Therefore,school education on reproductive cell donation should be enhanced,and meanwhile relevant legal,management and operational systems should be set up according to the specific conditions of China,so as to promote sound development of reproductive cell donation.
出处 《保健医学研究与实践》 2018年第1期4-9,共6页 Health Medicine Research and Practice
基金 全国教育信息技术研究课题(176130050) 福建省本科高校教育教学改革研究项目(FBJG20170028) 福建省精品在线开放课程立项 福建师范大学本科教学改革研究项目(I201703025)
关键词 生殖细胞捐献 认知 法律 教育 Reproductive cell donation Understanding Laws Education
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