目的探讨妊娠期行宫颈息肉摘除术的时机选择、围手术期处理、术后并发症及预后等。方法回顾分析我院2015年10月—2017年6月行息肉摘除术的10例患者的临床资料。结果 10例患者中进行手术孕周为13+~26周,围手术期均预防性应用抗生素,其中具备高危因素4例予宫缩抑制剂。术后并发症:其中1例患者术后2日发生难免流产,余预后良好,妊娠结局阴道分娩7例,产科因素剖宫产2例。结论妊娠期宫颈息肉临床症状多表现为不规则阴道出血,对于反复出血者可选择行息肉摘除术。高危患者应于围手术期予以预防感染、抑制宫缩等处理,降低手术并发症。
Objective To explore the timing of cervical polyp excision, perioperative management, postoperative complications and prognosis during pregnancy etc. Methods The clinical data of 10 patients who underwent excision of cervical polyp in our hospital from October 2015 to June 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Results 10 patients underwent surgery with gestational weeks from 13 weeks to 26 weeks. They all were given prophylactic antibiotics during the perioperation.Among them, 4 cases with high-risk factors were given tocolytic agents. Postoperative complications: 1 case occurred unavoidable abortion on the 2nd postoperative, other cases showed good prognosis. There were 7 cases of vaginal delivery, 2 cases of cesarean section because of obstetric factors vaginal delivery. Conclusion The common clinical symptom of cervical polyps during pregnancy is irregular vaginal bleeding. For the patients with recurrent bleeding, they should undergo excision of cervical polyp. To reduce surgical complications, high-risk patients should receive treatments including prevention of infection, inhibition of contractions etc.
China Health Standard Management
cervical polyp
excision of cervical polyp