选用品种、日龄、体重、性能一致的50周龄海兰褐蛋鸡3 300只,随机分为5个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复132羽。参照海兰褐蛋鸡营养需要标准及常规原料设计正对照日粮;增加非常规原料玉米DDGS、玉米皮和羽毛粉用量设计成负对照日粮;在负对照日粮基础上,分别添加50、100、250 g/t蛋白酶CIBENZA~DP100(以下简称"DP100")设计为3种加酶日粮。预试1周,正式试验期为5周。结果表明:与正对照相比,负对照组蛋鸡生产性能有所降低;与负对照组相比,添加100 g/t蛋白酶DP100使产蛋率提高了1.3%,料蛋比降低了0.04;添加250 g/t蛋白酶DP100使产蛋率提高了1.1%,料蛋比降低了0.08(P=0.1),达到甚至超过正对照组生产性能;各加酶处理组的造蛋成本均低于负对照组,经济效益均高于负对照组;随着蛋白酶DP100添加量的增加,料蛋比降低,造蛋成本进一步降低,经济效益进一步提高(P>0.05)。结果表明,蛋鸡日粮中合理利用蛋白酶DP100和非常规原料能降低配方成本,提高生产性能,提升经济效益。
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of DP100 on performance and benefits of laying hens. A total of 3300 Hyline Brown layers were allotted into 5 treatments with 5 replicates per treatment, each replicate contained 33 cages with 4 layers per cage. Treatment 1(T1) was served as the positive control group and was formulated to contain low level alternative feed ingredients. Treatment 2(T2) was served as the negative control group and was formulated to contain high level alternative feed ingredients. T3, T4 and T5 treatments are formulated based on T2 and supplemented with 50 ppm, 100 ppm and 250 ppm DP100 respectively. The duration was 5 weeks. The results of this trial demonstrated that increase the dosage of the alternative feed ingredients in layer hen's diet may depress the performance, CIBENZA DP100 may improve performance of layers, decrease feed cost and increase benefits. In addition, DP100 has dosage response on the performance and benefits of layers.
Chinese Journal of Animal Science