Micro film is evolved from "short film" which has been existing for a long time in foreign countries."Micro"refers to micro investment, micro production and micro length, and micro film is quite popular on the Internet for its short length as well as the concise and flexible form. Nowadays, micro film has a much wider scope, for which He Zhibao, president of Qingdao Micro Film Association and chairman of Qingdao Huanghai Film Co., Ltd. gave us a more comprehensive explanation, "Modern films are divided into 3 categories. First is cinema film which lasts over 90 minutes,like Tiny Dust, True Love, the film produced by our company previously is a cinema film; second is Internet film which is usually shown on the Internet platform with a length of 60 to 80 minutes; third is micro film which has a length of shorter than 25 minutes such as 3 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes……There isn't very strict limitation to the film length."He Zhibao also said,"Micro film started to become popular in recent 3-5 years. Unlike other kinds of film,micro film experiences few ups and downs.Traditional film makes profit from the box office returns,while Internet film earns profit from the revenue share in customers' payment for online view.In comparison, the output form of micro film is quite limited. As a product with short cycle, moderate price and high efficiency, micro film lets film lovers participate in film-making."