1David.C.Hoy. The Critical Circle: Literature, HistolT, and Philosophical Hermeneutics[M].Califomia: University of California Press, 1982.9.
3Hans-Georg.Gadamer. Truth and Method[M]. New York:The Crossroad Publishing Corporation, 1989.
6Hans-Georg Gadamer.The Relevance of the Beautiful[A].The relevance of Beautiful and Other Essays [C]. London: Cambridge University Press ,1986.11.
7Brice R.Wachterhauser. Introduction: History and language in Undersdanding [A]. Hermeneutics and Modern Philosophy [C]. Brice R.Wachterhauser (ed.) New York: State University of New York,1986.9.
8Hans-Georg Gadamer. Hermeneutics and Historicism [A]. Truth and Method [M]. New York:The Crossroad Publishing Corporation, 1989. 521.