

Autonomous Platoon Control with Actuator Saturation and Time-varying Delay
摘要 针对自动车队控制系统这一重要课题进行研究。建立了考虑执行器时变延迟(包括燃油延迟和制动延迟)、执行器饱和以及发动机时间常数存在不确定性的车队动态模型。基于该模型仅需利用相邻车辆的信息,即可设计保证车队稳定的H∞控制器,并给出保证车队队列稳定可允许的延时上限值。理论结果表明,该方法可以实现车队以较小的车距离安全行驶同时实现车队的双向队列稳定的目标。仿真实验表明,该控制器不但可实现车队的稳定运行,而且使车队控制效果大大改善。 The important issue of the symmetric structure autonomous platoon control system with engine time uncertainty, actuator time-varying delay (including fuelling delay and braking delay) and actuator saturation is investigated. Based on the new model, a H∞ controller is presented, which can robustly stabilize the platoon system only using the information from their immediate neighbours and the upper bound of the allowable delay is derived. The theoretical results show that the proposed system can achieve the objective of string stability with a smaller inter-vehicle spacing. The effectiveness and advantages of the presented methodology are demonstrated by numerical simulations.
作者 吴利刚 周倩
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期442-447,共6页 Control Engineering of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61573077) 山西大同大学博士科研启动基金(2016-B-18)
关键词 对称结构自主车队 时变延时 执行器饱和 队列稳定性 不确定性 Symmetric structure autonomous platoon control time-varying delay actuator saturation string stable uncertainty
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