Electronics World
1T. Córdova-Fraga,A. A. O. Carneiro,D. B. Araujo,R. B. Oliveira,Dr M. Sosa,O. Baffa.Spatiotemporal evaluation of human colon motility using three-axis fluxgates and magnetic markers[J]. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing . 2005 (6)
2Manuel A. Amaris,Claudia P. Sanmiguel,Daniel C. Sadowski,Kenneth L. Bowes,Martin P. Mintchev.Electrical Activity from Colon Overlaps with Normal Gastric Electrical Activity in Cutaneous Recordings[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 2002 (11)
3Lúcia F.R. Sobreira,Sérgio Zucoloto,Sérgio B. Garcia,Luiz E.A. Troncon.Effects of Myenteric Denervation on Gastric Epithelial Cells and Gastric Emptying[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 2002 (11)
4Kazuma Kikuchi,Motoyasu Kusano,Osamu Kawamura,Masatomo Mori,Toshikazu Sekiguchi.Measurement and Evaluation of Gastric Emptying Using Radiopaque Barium Markers[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 2000 (2)
5Prof. Dr. L. M. A. Akkermans PhD,J. W. Isselt MD.Gastric motility and emptying studies with radionuclides in research and clinical settings[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 1994 (12)
6Dr. A. J. P. M. Smout MD,H. J. A. Jebbink MD,L. M. A. Akkermans PhD,P. P. M. Bruijs.Role of electrogastrography and gastric impedance measurements in evaluation of gastric emptying and motility[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 1994 (12)
7Dr. Andreas Smout MD,Michael Horowitz MD,David Armstrong MD.Methods to study gastric emptying[J]. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 1994 (12)
8Susan V. Kattapuram M.D.,Jasvir S. Khurana M.B., M.S. (Orth),James A. Scott M.D.,Georges Y. El-Khoury M.D..Negative scintigraphy with positive magnetic resonance imaging in bone metastases[J]. Skeletal Radiology . 1990 (2)
9Verger-Kuhnke AB,Beccaría ML.The biography of Maxi- milian Nitze (1848-1906) and his contribution to the urol- ogy. Actas Urologicas Espanolas . 2007
10Ségalas M.Description of an instrument for inspecting the urethra and bladder. The Lancet . 1827
1María-Raquel Huerta-Franco,Miguel Vargas-Luna,Paola Tienda,Isabel Delgadillo-Holtfort,Marco Balleza-Ordaz,Corina Flores-Hernandez.Effects of occupational stress on the gastrointestinal tract[J].World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology,2013,4(4):108-118. 被引量:3
2张美娟.生物电阻抗法评价成年人全身体脂率效度[J].中国老年学杂志,2015,35(1):192-194. 被引量:6
3孙永文,韩建国.便携式生物电阻抗测量系统设计[J].计算机测量与控制,2005,13(7):645-646. 被引量:16
4赵舒,任超世.无创检测与评价胃动力功能——生物电阻抗方法[J].世界华人消化杂志,2006,14(5):465-469. 被引量:21
5姚雪祥,王净净,梁建武.脑血流图自动分析探讨[J].湖南中医学院学报,2006,26(2):53-55. 被引量:4
6李玉贤,孟庆华.生物电阻抗技术在肝病病人人体成分测量中的应用[J].肠外与肠内营养,2006,13(4):240-242. 被引量:17
7王妍,沙洪,任超世.医学电阻抗断层成像线电极与复合电极的仿真比较研究[J].中国生物医学工程学报,2006,25(5):637-640. 被引量:9
9王妍,沙洪,任超世.医学EIT复合电极结构参数优化设计[J].生物医学工程与临床,2007,11(2):91-96. 被引量:4
10贺中华,李章勇,王伟.基于ADuC834的胃运动阻抗信号采集系统的设计[J].重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版),2007,19(2):185-187. 被引量:10
1张静,程林,赵坤,张潮海.-50℃条件下SF_6/N_2混合气体的击穿特性[J].绝缘材料,2017,50(10):43-47. 被引量:5
2Feng Zhu,Yuxing Zhang,Bin Wang,Zhenghua Qian.An elastic electrode model for wave propagation analysis in piezoelectric layered structures of film bulk acoustic resonators[J].Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2017,30(3):263-270. 被引量:3
3代文章,谢正宁,陈海东,谢文全,马志广,李宏博.硅橡胶沿面闪络及表面形貌实验研究[J].绝缘材料,2018,51(1):52-56. 被引量:4
4袁宇阳,张慧芳,张学迁,谷建强,胡放荣,熊显名,张文涛,韩家广.THz超材料的明暗模式耦合效应[J].红外与激光工程,2018,47(1):253-263. 被引量:1
5武斌,冯宇,米杰.基于COMSOL的燃烧反应仿真研究现状[J].天然气化工—C1化学与化工,2018,43(1):121-125. 被引量:1
6陈俊辉,杨磊,李慧慧,岑仰润.砂土地基地铁隧道受旁侧基坑开挖变形影响实例分析[J].浙江建筑,2018,35(3):26-30. 被引量:6
7刘卫德,刘宁,王琪.化积口服液促小鼠胃肠动力作用研究[J].中国药物评价,2017,34(6):469-471. 被引量:2
8钟子劭,张海燕,张望,何桂花,叶振昊,王静,黄穗平.四君子汤对脾虚证胃肠动力障碍大鼠胃平滑肌CaM-MLCK信号通路的机制探讨[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2018,24(5):95-99. 被引量:31
9王科以.地源热泵系统抽灌模式下对地下水渗流场——温度场——应力场的影响[J].资源信息与工程,2018,33(1):83-84. 被引量:3