
社会文化理论——哲学根源、学科属性、研究范式与方法 被引量:27

Sociocultural Theory: Its Philosophical Foundation,Disciplinary Features,Paradigm and Method
摘要 社会文化理论(sociocultural theory,SCT)近年来受到国内SLA领域众多学者的关注,但现有的研究成果不论是在深度、广度和数量上都有待大力提高,而且在SCT理念的内涵、学科属性、研究内容和研究方法上存在模糊不清和误读的情况。为厘清相关问题,本文简要从SCT的哲学根源入手,说明其内涵理念,论述SCT的学科属性。通过现有文献梳理国内外二语习得领域内的SCT研究的发展现状和SCT的研究方法与范式,旨在为国内进一步的相关研究提供参考。 Sociocultural Theory( SCT) has recently drawn the attention from quite a fewscholars in the SLA field in China. However,current research needs improving in depth,width and quantity,and misinterpretations of SCT's basic concepts,disciplinary nature,subject matter and methodologies do exist. To address the problems and clarify the relevant issues,in this article,we start from a brief description of SCT's philosophical foundations,which lends itself to the illustration of its concepts and the disciplinary attribute. Then by reviewing the previous works both international and national,we look at the present status quo of the SCT research in SLA with a special focus on the research paradigm and methodologies. We hope this study would provide an alternative reference to those who want to further their research in the field.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第1期1-18,共18页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 社会文化理论 维果斯基 哲学根源 学科属性 研究范式 研究方法 Sociocultural Theory Vygotsky philosophical foundation disciplinary attribute research paradigm research methodology
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