
一种光接入网的组播隔离方案 被引量:2

Multicast isoiation scheme for optical access networks
摘要 针对传统组播技术无法进行有效隔离和监控视频泄露隐患十分突出等问题,提出了一种基于软件定义网络(SDN)方式的光接入网组播隔离方案,并对该技术方案的实际系统组成及视频组播业务的具体处理过程进行了详细描述。最后描述了该方案相比组播虚拟专用网络(VPN)、软件授权认证等传统技术,由于结合了公有域、私有域的概念,能够有效解决非法用户窃取合法视频及合法用户窃取非授权视频的问题,具有明显的技术与成本优势。 In view of traditional multicast technology can't do effective isolation and monitoring video leakage is very prominent, an optical access network multicast isolation scheme based on SDN is proposed, and the ac- tual system composition and specific multicast process is described in detail. Finally, this paper describes that scheme has obvious cost and technical advantages compared with multicast VPN and software authentication due to the use of public and private domain, and it can effectively solve the problem of illegal users stealing le- gitimate video and legitimate users stealing unauthorized video.
作者 侯林林 马勇
出处 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2018年第3期56-58,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
关键词 光接入网 SDN 组播隔离 optical access networks SDN multicast isolation
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