【目的】基于现有大量空气等离子体对人工林木材表面改性的研究,采用不同气体辉光放电等离子体对3种人工林和3种天然林木材进行改性处理,对比研究其对木材表面润湿性能的影响,为常压空气等离子体处理木材表面的工业化生产提供理论支持,为等离子体在不同木材表面改性的应用奠定理论基础。【方法】采用空气(Air)、氧气(O2)、氮气(N2)、氩气(Ar)和氦气(He)5种气体辉光放电低温等离子体分别处理山杨、云杉、蓝桉3种人工林木材和实木制品及木质制品表面饰面常用的红栎、白桦和黑胡桃3种天然林木材,测试计算不同等离子体处理条件下木材的接触角和表面自由能,以及经氮气等离子体不同时间处理后木材的表面水接触角,研究不同气体辉光放电低温等离子体对不同材质木材表面润湿性能的影响。【结果】木材表面经空气、氦气、氩气、氮气和氧气5种气体等离子体处理后,表面与水、二碘甲烷的接触角均明显减小,表面自由能增大,润湿性得到显著改善。试验条件下,氦气等离子体处理对云杉、山杨木材表面润湿性能影响最大,而蓝桉、红栎、白桦和黑胡桃木材均为氩气等离子体处理后的表面接触角降幅最大,表面自由能增大明显。等离子体处理时间对木材表面润湿性影响相对较大,一般人工林木材以3 min为宜,天然木材以4 min为宜。【结论】不同气体等离子体处理木材表面后,木材表面润湿性能均得到改善,且以空气作为等离子体处理气体的润湿效果相对较好。在实际生产应用中,可采用空气等离子体处理提高木材及木基复合材料间的胶合、接枝等性能。
【Objective】 Based on the existed researches of plantation wood surface modification treated by air plasma,this study investigated the effect of gas glow discharge plasma treatments on wood surface wettability. The results would provide the theoretical basis for the industrialization production of the atmospheric pressure air plasma treatment on the surface of the wood,and to provide the theory basic data for the application of plasma in different wood surface modification.【Method】 Low temperature plasma glow discharge plasma with air,oxygen(O2),nitrogen(N2),ammonia(Ar) and helium(He) were respectively used to treat six kinds of timber,including of Populus davidiana,Picea asperata,Eucalyptus globulus,Quercus rubra,Betula platyphylla and Juglans nigra. The surface wettability of different treated wood was investigated. 【Result 】 The results showed that the surface contact angle of different treated wood with water and diiodomethane was significantly reduced,the surface energy increased,and the wettability were improved obviously. The helium plasma treatment showed the biggest influence on surface wettability of Populus davidiana and Picea asperata. The argon plasma processing exhibited surface contact angle of Eucalyptus globulus,Quercus rubra,Betula platyphylla and Juglans nigra declined most. The plasma processing time affected wood surface wettability to a certain extent,3 min was better for plantation wood and 4 min was available for natural wood.【Conclusion】 The wood surface wettability can be improved by different gas plasma treatment,and the air plasma modification of the wood surface wettability is relatively good. Therefore,in actual production application,air plasma can be used to improve the adhesion and grafting of woodand wood matrix composites.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae