

Effect of Organics Modification on Adsorption Desulfurization Performance of Halloysite Nanotubes
摘要 通过插层法和离子交换法对埃洛石纳米管(HNTs)进行有机物改性,研究了二甲基亚砜、甲醇以及十六烷基三甲基溴化铵改性对HNTs结构以及吸附脱硫性能的影响,考察了温度、时间和剂油比对吸附剂脱硫性能的影响。采用X射线衍射、红外光谱、透射电子显微镜与N2吸附-脱附测试等对吸附剂进行分析表征。结果表明,有机物改性后HNTs的基本管状结构并未破坏,但层间距和管径有一定变化,吸附脱硫能力有所提高,其中HDTMA改性的埃洛石在温度为30℃、时间为4 h、剂油比为1∶20的条件下容硫量达到9.42 mg/g,脱硫率由未改性HNTs的29.62%提高到58.85%。 Organics modified nanotubes was prepared successfully using intercalation and ion exchange method.Effects of DMSO,CH3OH and HDTMA on structure and adsorption desulfurization performance of halloysite nanotubes(HNTs) were investigated,the influences of adsorption temperature,time and rate were discussed.The modified HNTs were characterized by X-Ray diffractometer,infrared spectroscopy,transmission electron microscopy and N2 adsorption-desorption.The results show that the basic tubular structure of HNTs was not destroyed,but the intercalating space and nanotube diameters were changed,after the organics modification,the adsorption desulfurization capability were enhanced,when the temperature is 30 ℃,adsorption time is 4 hours,and ratio of adsorbent to oil is 1∶ 20,the adsorption capacity of the HDTMA modified HNTs is about 9.42 mg/g,and the desulfurization rate increases to 58.85% from 29.62%.
出处 《化学工业与工程》 CAS CSCD 2018年第2期29-34,共6页 Chemical Industry and Engineering
关键词 埃洛石纳米管 有机物改性 HDTMA 吸附脱硫 halloysite nanotubes organics modification HDTMA adsorption desulfurization
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