目的分析某院抗糖尿病药物临床应用情况和变化趋势,为临床合理用药提供科学依据。方法对某院2015~2016年临床应用抗糖尿病药物的品种、销售金额、用药频度(DDDs)、日均费用(DDC)等进行回顾性分析。结果 2015~2016年某院抗糖尿病药物的销售金额总体呈快速上升趋势,销售金额排名前3位的是二甲双胍、吡格列酮、门冬胰岛素30;DDDs排名前3位的是二甲双胍、格列美脲、吡格列酮;销售金额排序与DDDs排序的比值在0.6~2.0之间。结论该院抗糖尿病药物的临床应用基本合理,符合糖尿病相关指南与共识的要求。
OBJECTIVE To analyze the application situation of anti-diabetic drugs in a hospital,so as to provide reference for clinical rational drug use. METHODS The drug types,sales amount,defined daily dose(DDDs) and defined daily cost(DDC) of anti-diabetic drugs in a hospital from 2015 to 2016 were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS The sales amount of anti-diabetic drugs in a hospital increased rapidly during 2015-2016,and the top three drugs were Metformin,Pioglitazone,Insulin Aspart 30. The top 3 DDDs were Metformin,Glimepiride and Pioglitazone. The ratios of sales amount serial number to that of DDDs were among 0.6-2.0.CONCLUSION The clinical use of anti-diabetic drugs in a hospital is basically reasonable,and meet the requirements of related guidelines and consensuses on diabetes mellitus.
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