运用国际学生能力评估项目(PISA 2015)中国四省市数据,对家庭背景影响学生知识素养的路径和机制进行研究,发现家庭社会经济地位对子女15周岁时的知识素养有正向直接效应,同时父母对子女的精神和学业支持、学校选择、市场课外辅导、学习态度和习惯等四个方面发挥着中介效应,其中以所选学校质量这一中介效应影响最大。在中国,在学校选择过程中存在严重的阶层分割现象,所以家庭背景和学校是交互一起共同对学生的知识素养发挥作用。此外,学生所处教育阶段对家庭背景影响其知识素养的具体路径具有一定的调节作用。在义务教育阶段,家庭背景可以发挥更为重要的作用,而到了高中阶段,其效应有所下降,且课外辅导路径已不再显著。
Based on statistical analysis of data collected from the Program for International Student Assessment in 2015 (from 4 provinces or municipalities in China), we try to find the pathway and mechanism through which family socioeco- nomic status influences the skills and knowledge literacy of 15-year-old students. The results indicated that family socioeco- nomic status not only has direct positive and negative effects on students' skills and knowledge literacy, but also has indirect effects in at least four aspects: moral support in study from parents, choice of school, buying additional instruction, and students' learning attitude and habit. Among the four moderation effects, school choice plays the most important role. In China, the phenomenon of stratification in school rankings is rather serious. Family and school can interact with together and play much more important role in the students' skills and knowledge literacy. Besides, we found the education stage has a moderating effect on the pathway and mechanism. In the stage of compulsory education, the family background can play much more important role than the stage of senior high school. The additional instructions no longer play a significant mod- erating role to the students in senior high school. These findings can provide some suggestions for the specific measures to improve the skills and knowledge literacy of the students, and we also need to pay more attention to the issue of educational inequality in the stage of compulsory education.
The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
family status
parental support
school choice
additional instruction
learning attitude
skills andknowledge literacy