Many studies show investor sentiment affects assets price market widely and consistently. BW index firstly introducedby Baker & Wurgler (2006) is the most widely used investor sentiment proxy. However, there are disadvantages of BW index. First, BW index is constructed with market-wide indicators. It is not suitable to measure investor sentiment at industry or firm- specific level. Second, because of the unavailability of certain indicators, BW index can hardly be constructed at high frequency. For example, IPOs are not daily routines. There may be no IPO events for weeks or even months. Meanwhile, in emerging mar- kets like China, regulators may suspend IPOs as reactions to unfavorable market condition. Either way, sentiment indicators such as numbers of IPOs and IPO first-day returns will be missing for months thereby hindering the construction of BW index. Based on the conception that technical analysis and behavior finance share the same notion that human behavior is repetitive and predictable, we try to construct investor sentiment composite index with technical analysis indicators so as to overcome the disadvantages of BW index mentioned above. Changes of stock prices and volumes reflect investors' trading pattern, and inves- tors' trading pattern reflect investor sentiment directly. Therefore, technical analysis indicators based on prices and volumes are naturally proxies for investor sentiment. For this consideration, we construct Technical Investor Sentiment index (TS index in short) with 5 technical analysis indicators by principal component analysis, and verify its validity at both market-wide and firm- specific level by multiple regressions analysis with a sample of stocks from 1999 to 2015. First, we find that the correlation coefficient between annual (monthly) TS index and BW index is 0. 873 (0. 376) and is significant at 1%, indicating that there is significant correlation and similarity between them, which in turn illustrates the validity of TS index on measuring market-wide investor sentiment. Second, we find that differences of TS index explain price differences of cross-listed stocks, such as China A- and H-shares, and A- and B-shares. According to Baker & Wurgler (2012) , this also proves the validity of TS index on measuring sentiment. Third, we find firm specific TS indices are negatively related with indi- vidual stock returns at both cross-sectional and time-series level. A hedge portfolio that longs stocks with lowest firm-specific TS indices and shorts stocks with highest indices gains significant excess returns. Meanwhile, firm-specific TS indices are signifi- candy related with firm characteristics. Firms with larger scale, shorter history, lower book/market ratio, higher profitability and higher revenue growth are more sensitive to investor sentiment. These findings are consistent with those of Baker & Wurgler (2006) and Firth (2015) and thereby prove the validities of TS indices on measuring firm-specific investor sentiment. This study makes several contributions to the investor sentiment literature. First, we illustrate that technical analysis indica- tors are suitable to measure investor sentiment and therefore contribute to combine investment practice with academic investor sen- timent research. Second, we verify TS indices as valid proxies on measuring investor sentiment at both market-wide and firm-spe- cific level, thereby offering useful ways to study the effect of investor sentiment on asset prices or corporate finance decisions at firm-specific level. Third, since technical analysis indicators can be obtained at high frequency, the way we construct TS indices provides insights to measure investor sentiment in short terms such as weeks or days.
Journal of Management Science
investor sentiment
technical analysis
stock pricing
firm characteristics