在以往的石油化工工厂布置设计中,对安全间距的要求仅停留在防火层面上,爆炸危险源对人员集中场所的影响未受到重视。基于此,首先阐释了工厂布置中安全防护的内涵;然后通过实证分析论述了爆炸危险源的破坏性及其对人身的伤害。人员集中场所与爆炸危险源的距离越近,所受到的爆炸超压值越大,破坏程度越强,其影响范围远远大于防火距离,事故中75%的人员伤亡是由于爆炸冲击波造成的。因此,总图设计人员在工厂布置设计时,除了熟练应用各种规范、满足防火间距要求外,还应能识别常见的爆炸源,并按照功能分区布置的原则,将人员集中场所建筑物布置在距离爆炸源较远的安全地带。根据超压值与距离的关系模拟计算结果,建议安全距离间隔采用200 m。
In the previous petrochemical plant layout, the requirement of safety space is only for fire pro- tection space, and the impact of explosion hazard on occupied building has not been taken into consideration. Based on this, the connotation of safety protection in the plant layout is first explained. Then the destructive- ness of the explosion hazard and its harm to people are discussed through empirical analysis. It is concluded that the closer the distance between occupied building and explosion hazard, the greater the extent of damage, and the impact scope of explosion hazard is far greater than the fire separation space. The case studies show that 75 % of personnel casualty accidents are caused by explosion impingement waves. Therefore, in addition to the knowledge of various applicable codes and standards, the engineer of general plot plan design should be able to identify common explosion sources, and arrange the occupied building in safety area far away from the explosion source in the plant layout design. According sion overpressure and space, it is recommended that source is 200 meters. to the simulation results of relationship between explo- the safety space from occupied building to explosion
Petroleum Refinery Engineering