
消防钢瓶爆裂探测预警的研究 被引量:1

A Research on Detection and Prediction of Firefighting Steel Cylinder Rupture
摘要 从金属材料的弹塑性理论角度论述了消防钢瓶的安全性,用理论与实验相结合的方式探讨了钢瓶爆裂现象与规律,提出了采用应变感应传感器探测钢瓶塑性变形时表面的变形状态,设计了传感器的分布方式及预防钢瓶爆裂的控制方案。 The safety of firefighting steel cylinder is discussed from the viewpoint of plasto-elastic theory for metal material. The cylinder rapture phenomenon and regular pattern are studied by theoretical-experimental method. The measure of using strain induction sensor to detect the cylinder surface deforming state caused by plastic deformation is presented. The sensor distributing mode and rapture control scheme are designed.
出处 《消防技术与产品信息》 2018年第1期63-66,共4页 Fire Technique and Products Information
基金 陕西省咸阳市重大科技专项计划项目(2016k01-11)
关键词 消防钢瓶 应变感应 爆裂 探测 预警 firefighting steel cylinder strain induction rapture detection prediction
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