
不同种植模式下早春马铃薯产量和经济效益分析 被引量:5

Yield and Economic Benefit of Potato Under Different Planting Patterns in Early Spring
摘要 为解决早春马铃薯霜冻和干旱带来的灾害问题,提高马铃薯单产,以当地品种‘合作88’与引进品种‘青薯9号’为主体作物,采用大垄双行白膜下滴灌、大垄双行滴灌、大垄双行覆白膜、大垄双行、大垄双行稻草包芯、大垄双行覆黑膜、常规栽培7种栽培模式进行试验研究。结果表明:(1)‘合作88’产量最高的栽培方式是常规栽培(57.18 t/hm^2),其次是大垄双行覆白膜(53.76 t/hm^2),产量最低的是大垄双行覆黑膜(33.23 t/hm^2);‘青薯9号’产量最高的是大垄双行(64.26 t/hm^2),其次是大垄双行白膜下滴灌(61.14 t/hm^2),大垄双行覆黑膜的产量(40.46 t/hm^2)最低。(2)除常规栽培外,其余6种栽培方式下‘青薯9号’的产量均高于‘合作88’。(3)大垄双行覆黑膜栽培下的纯收入(‘合作88’6.30万元/hm^2,‘青薯9号’8.45万元/hm^2)和产投比(‘合作88’2.95,‘青薯9号’3.58)最低。常规栽培下‘合作88’马铃薯的产投比(5.82)和纯收入(14.27万元/hm^2)最高;大垄双行栽培下‘青薯9号’马铃薯的产投比(6.11)和纯收入(15.81万元/hm^2)最高。因此,在建水县甸尾乡试验区,‘合作88’马铃薯最佳的栽培模式是常规栽培,‘青薯9号’最适宜的种植模式是大垄双行,且在栽培方式和管理措施适宜的情况下‘青薯9号’马铃薯是一个高产的品种。研究结果可为早春马铃薯种植方式的选择和推广提供参考。 This study aims to analyze the impact of early spring frosts and drought disasters on potato, andenhance its per unit area yield. Local potato variety‘Cooperation 88'and introduced variety‘Qingshu No.9'were selected as the materials, and 7 kinds of planting patterns were used in this experiment, includingdoubling line width ridge-drip irrigation under white film-mulching, doubling line width ridge-drip irrigation,doubling line width ridge-white film-mulching, doubling line width ridge, doubling line width ridge-sandwichstraw, doubling line width ridge-black film-mulching and conventional farming. The results showed that:(1)the yield of‘Cooperation 88'was the highest(57.18 t/hm^2) under conventional farming, and its yield underdoubling line width ridge-white film-mulching was the second(53.76 t/hm^2), and the yield under doubling linewidth ridge-black film-mulching was the lowest(33.23 t/hm^2); the yield of‘Qingshu No.9'was the highest(64.26 t/hm^2) under doubling line width ridge, followed by that under doubling line width ridge-drip irrigationunder white film-mulching(61.14 t/hm^2), and the yield under doubling line width ridge-black film-mulchingwas the lowest(40.46 t/hm^2);(2) except that under conventional farming, the yields of‘Qingshu No.9'underthe other six planting patterns were higher than those of‘Cooperation 88';(3) the net income ‘(Cooperation88'63000 yuan/hm^2,‘Qingshu No.9'84500 yuan/hm^2) and input-output ratio ‘(Cooperation 88'2.95,‘Qingshu No.9'3.58) under doubling line width ridge-black film-mulching were the lowest, the net income of‘Cooperation 88'(142700 yuan/hm^2) and input-output ratio(5.82) under conventional farming were thehighest, and the net income o‘fQingshu No.9'(158100 yuan/hm^2) and input-output ratio(6.11) under doublingline width ridge were the highest. Therefore, the conventional farming was the best planting pattern for‘Cooperation 88', and the doubling line width ridge was the most appropriate planting pattern for‘QingshuNo.9'in this region, and‘Qingshu No.9'was a high yield variety under suitable cultivation and managementmeasures in this region. This study provides data support for the selection and promotion of appropriateplanting pattern of potato in early spring.
作者 范春梅 彭尔瑞 尹亚敏 魏千贺 王晨 Fan Chunmei, Peng Errui, Yin Yamin, Wei Qianhe, Wang Chen(College of Water Conservancy, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 65020)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2018年第4期32-37,共6页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 云南省教育厅项目"节水灌溉对冬作马铃薯及田间土壤水分的影响研究"(2014Y192) 云南省科技厅重点项目"高原特色冬季马铃薯需水规律与节水灌溉项目"(A3007680)
关键词 马铃薯 种植模式 产量 经济效益 potato planting pattern yield economic benefit
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