众水会涪万,瞿塘争一门。 1200年前杜甫这一绝唱,叱诧风云般地色勒出长江闯开夔门进入三峡的不凡气势。撤地设市刚三年的四川省万县市,便座落在这以大小三峡闻名于世的长江上中游结合部。 随着三峡百万移民的正式动遷,海内外的目光已开始越过三峡大坝投向广阔的库区。整个库区淹没最多、损失最大、移民搬遷任务最重的四川省万县市,自然格外引人注目。“三峡工程看移民,三峡移民看万县”已被越来越多的人所认识。而今年4月在万县市召开的国务院三峡工程移民工作会议,更是把全世界的目光聚焦到了万县市这方熟土。
Early in 1985, the resettlement of the migrants from the Three-Gorge Reservoir area was put into practice in Wanxian City. Ten years past since then, the resettlement work has made much progress in the city. By last year, the city had established 14 residential quarters respectively covering an area of some 67 hectares with town streets and about 67 kilometers of highways around. Besides, the city has alread built for the quarters 5 water supply stations, 6 electricity transformer substations and installed 3,100 gates of program-control telephone. In 1994, Wanxian had its GDP surpassed 5.3 per cent over that of the average number of the whole province.