传统的看法是,老人的思想举止较富于宗教色彩:庄重刻板、与世无争和随遇而安。但是,随着我国物质文化水平的提高以及现代传播媒介的迅猛发展,生活的崭新画面不断展示在老人眼前,从而加快了老年人“行为更新”的频率。 在成都锦江大礼堂内的四川锦城老年乒乓球俱乐部,6张墨绿色的球台,把近百名当年战场上叱咤风云的老战士、讲台上从横捭阖的老教授,塑造成了生龙活虎般的球迷。“打一天球,年轻一岁;一天不打球,浑身难受!”一位年近七旬的老人对我津津乐道,那个中妙趣溢於言表。
The problem of the increasing number of the aged people has drawn much attention of the Chinese government. Sichuan has established kinds of entertainment and sports centers for the aged to enrich their life in their retirement. Many aged people in the province who never feeling old themselves lead a cheerful and happy life today. Some of them enter the university for the aged or the entertainment centers to enjoy themselves by singing, dancing, taking up brush to draw and write, or taking part in sport activities. And some of them contiune to do work within their ability. Despite the old age, many old people in Sichuan are still enjoying the joys of life like the young.