

Xiangyang People's Commune,the Pioneer of Sichuan's Rural Reform
摘要 The Xiangyang Town, Guanghan City, is well-known for its courage in chanqing its name of Xiangyang People’s Commune to Xiangyang Township. It was the first in China to do this and it marked the beginning of the reform of Sichuan’s rural economic system. As early as l978, several people’s communes, Xigao, Jinyu, and Xiangyang, in Guanghan City began to adopt a new form of agricultural production system, in which agricultural production was linked to the team, and even to the household. This form, which directly related material rewards to the peasants’ labor, has been a great incentive for the peasants. In the twenty years since then great changes have taken place at Xiangyang Commune, and it has become one of the most prosperous of the townships in the province. The Xiangyang Town, Guanghan City, is well-known for its courage in chanqing its name of Xiangyang People's Commune to Xiangyang Township. It was the first in China to do this and it marked the beginning of the reform of Sichuan's rural economic system. As early as l978, several people's communes, Xigao, Jinyu, and Xiangyang, in Guanghan City began to adopt a new form of agricultural production system, in which agricultural production was linked to the team, and even to the household. This form, which directly related material rewards to the peasants' labor, has been a great incentive for the peasants. In the twenty years since then great changes have taken place at Xiangyang Commune, and it has become one of the most prosperous of the townships in the province.
作者 魏翔宇
出处 《今日四川》 1998年第4期4-5,共2页
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