

Shanxi's Drum Dance in Macao
摘要 1997年2月5日至12日,由山西省对外文化交流协会组织的“山西省鼓舞团”应澳门市政厅的盛情邀请,带着山西3000万父老乡亲的重托,参加了澳门春节“万家喜庆贺牛年”活动,为澳门市民表演了16场精彩的山西民间鼓舞,受到澳门观众的热烈欢迎,引起极大震动。当地舆论界给予了极大的关注,中央电视台也报道了他们演出的片断。短短几天的演出。 ON Feb. 5--12, 1997, Shanxi’s Drum Dance Troupe organized by Shanxi’s Foreign Cultural Exchange association was invited by Macao Government and took part in Spring Festival Celebration of Ox Year in Macao with friendship of Shanxi’s people, giving Macao people 16 wonderful performances which received a warm welcome and gave the audience a deep impression.The performances which the troupe played in Macao included four shows such as Saiwai Waist Drum, Shuozhou Fan Drum, Jinnan Flower Drum and Taiyuan Gong & Drum, which displayed Shanxi’s ancient and traditional art and brought a cheerful and happy atmosphere to the festival. People from all walks of life in Macao including senior officials and common people watched the performances with great interest, which caused a sensation throughout Macao.Taiyuan--Belarus Freight Airline Has Been Open to Air Traffic RATIFIED by the State Trading Port Office, on Jan. 11, 1997 Taiyuan--Belarus Freight Through Airline has been open to air traffic. Following Taiyuan--Hongkong Travel Non-Stop Airline, this is another airline open to foreign countries, which not only supplies a huge amount of trade information for the enterprises of Shanxi’s foreign trade, light and textile industries, but also facilitates greatly trading between Shanxi, an inland province and the Commonwealth of Independent States, and creates a good opportunity to refresh Shanxi’s economy.
作者 晓青 臣泰
出处 《今日山西》 1997年第1期32-33,共2页 Shanxi Today
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