YUAN Wenqin, coming up to the expectation of Shanxi’ s people, again won the only gold medal of men’ s wushu all-round champion in the 7th National Games in 1993. In the 6-year period between 6th National Games and 7th National Games, he worked wonders to win the champion twice in succession. In 1993 he attended the World Wushu Champion on behalf of China and also won the prize, Just that year, Mr. Yuan, aged 29, declared his retirement from wushu career. In 1994, Mr. Yuan, while engaged fully in film & TV circle. was unexpectedly recalled to the National Wushu Team by the State Sports Commission to attend the Asian Games in Japan where he again won another wushu gold medal in the Asian Games. In many international competitions. Mr. Yuan won tens of gold medals altogether for China. After that Asian Games, he went on to pursue his TV &. film career, invited by Broadcast & TV Bureau of Singapore. In July of 1996, Mr. Yuan, invited by Shanxi’s Sports Commission, forsook resolutely the excellent pay &. conditions in Singapore in order to develop vigorously Shanxi’ s sports and went back to his hometown---Shanxi together with his wife. We sincerely hope that Mr. Yuan Wenqin will make another spectacular achievement in the 8th National Games!
Shanxi Today