10集电视系列片《一个美国人眼中的中国》,由中国五洲传播中心、中国黄河电视台和美国SCOLA卫星电视网合拍。主持人就是SCOLA的总裁叫Lee·Lubbers,译作李·鲁伯斯。 鲁伯斯,69岁,1.95米的个头儿,顺溜挺括;脸细腻白皙,有点儿惧怕紫外线。拍摄乘车途中,有了感觉,便远离车窗躲避太阳。
Lee Lubbers, age 69, height 1.95, director of SCOLA USA, recently codirected a ten - part TV serial," China in the Eyes of an American", with his Chinese counterparts. Mr. Lubbers pays great attention to China and the life of Chinese people. This is the first time for him to direct a TV program and he braves many hardships in the shooting days. Now the TV serial has entered the final stage. Mr. Lubbers waits to see it on American screen.
Shanxi Today