早就听说煤转化国家重点实验室主任、中科院山西煤化所所长助理孙予罕,是一位有着突出贡献的年轻学者,但当记者在他的实验室真正与他面对,依然很难把眼前这位身材魁梧、性格直爽,目前正指导着1名博士后、12名博士生和6名硕士生的导师联系在一起。 孙予罕1962年生于上海,1983年毕业于郑州大学化学系。
As a director of the national key laboratory and an assistant head of the eoal Chemical Institute of the Chinese Acadamy of Science, Sun Yuhan is a young scholar with outstanding achievements. In 1994, he was selected as one of the best one hundred young scholars of the Chinese Acadamy of Science. In research field of heterogeneous catalysis, nanometre material and computer simulation of catalytic process, he achieved a lot of creative results. The Coal Inversion National Key Laboratory led by him is the only laboratory in such field in the country currently. Says he with certainty that through two or three years efforts the study on coal inversion will add new achievements and make contributions to enriching the people of Shanxi.
Shanxi Today