由山西省、天津市、上海市、广东省共同举办的,旨在促进东西部经济技术和信息交流与合作的’98山西商品交易会,经过6天活跃的交易获得了圆满成功。 名优精品荟萃。本次交易会汇集了近年来我省新发展的和省外有影响的5000余种名优精品,成为又一次展示我省改革开放以来整体形象的窗口。
The Shanxi Commodities Trade Fair’ 98,held by the Shanxi Province, Tianjin, Shanghai and Guangdong, aimed at promoting the exchange of information and technology between east and west, was a great success. It showcased 500 different kinds of high-quality commodities from other provinces and Shanxi. On the first day, the sales volume reached 500 million in RMB followed by large sums of orders. Finally, the volume came to 8.4 billion. Three thousand eight hundred and seventy-six contracts were signed, amounting to a total of 8.2 billion, over 97.6 percent of the total volume.
Shanxi Today