IN RECENT years Shanxi’s ’FV &broadcast circles act seriously upon the in-structions by Shanxi’s CCP Committee &G0vemment and produce a series of signifi-cant & sensational reports and commenturieswhich bring about many good social resultsas well as some fine works such as TV series" People in Mountain Village" &" BuZongLiang", broadcast plays" Teacher ofMountain Children" &" Mother of Son" andso on.Nowadays Shanxi’s TV station has putits programs into the communication satelliteand hy the end of 1998 its programs can bebroadcast in 48 cities of China. The obviousdevelopment of the urban TV wire broadcastnetwork in Shanxi has been made. However,nearly 3 million people in Shanxi’s ruralareas can’ t listen to radio programs or watchTV programs. Therefor from now till the year2, 000 we are spending two years building abroadcast & ’FV network covering all Shanxi- urban and rural areas, even in everyvillage hy means of wire & wireless, com-munication satellite & microwave.
IN RECENT years Shanxi's 'FV &broadcast circles act seriously upon the in-structions by Shanxi's CCP Committee &G0vemment and produce a series of signifi-cant & sensational reports and commenturieswhich bring about many good social resultsas well as some fine works such as TV series' People in Mountain Village' &' BuZongLiang', broadcast plays' Teacher ofMountain Children' &' Mother of Son' andso on.Nowadays Shanxi's TV station has putits programs into the communication satelliteand hy the end of 1998 its programs can bebroadcast in 48 cities of China. The obviousdevelopment of the urban TV wire broadcastnetwork in Shanxi has been made. However,nearly 3 million people in Shanxi's ruralareas can' t listen to radio programs or watchTV programs. Therefor from now till the year2, 000 we are spending two years building abroadcast & 'FV network covering all Shanxi- urban and rural areas, even in everyvillage hy means of wire & wireless, com-munication satellite & microwave.
Shanxi Today