

The Achievements of 20-Year Use of Foreign Capitals by Shanxi
摘要 THE EXHIBITION of the Achievements ofChina’s 2O - Year Use of Foreign Capitals Sincethe Ref0rm & Openness was held in Beijing onNovember 27 to December , 1998 by NationalMinistry of Foreign Economic Relations & Trarle,National P1anning Commission and National Eco-nomic & Trade Conlmission and Prime MinisterZhu RongJi & other natinlial leaders attende`I thisexhibition where Shanxi awanied the prizes of"Best Organizer" and "Best DesigIl & Decoratioll". The exhibition of Shanxi was thi1ided ilhto thlre"parts such as "the section of base", "the section ofachievements" and" the section of future", andinto l I trades including more than 50 foreign -invested major projects.From 1978 till 1998 in Shanxi the establish-ment of 1947 foreign - invested enterPrises hasbeen checked and apprtved, with the t0tal in-vestment of US$6.O9 billion,the contracted for-eign investment of US$3. 159 hillion and the ac-tually illvested foreign capital of USS 1. O75 billion. THE EXHIBITION of the Achievements ofChina's 2O - Year Use of Foreign Capitals Sincethe Ref0rm & Openness was held in Beijing onNovember 27 to December , 1998 by NationalMinistry of Foreign Economic Relations & Trarle,National P1anning Commission and National Eco-nomic & Trade Conlmission and Prime MinisterZhu RongJi & other natinlial leaders attende`I thisexhibition where Shanxi awanied the prizes of'Best Organizer' and 'Best DesigIl & Decoratioll'. The exhibition of Shanxi was thi1ided ilhto thlre'parts such as 'the section of base', 'the section ofachievements' and' the section of future', andinto l I trades including more than 50 foreign -invested major projects.From 1978 till 1998 in Shanxi the establish-ment of 1947 foreign - invested enterPrises hasbeen checked and apprtved, with the t0tal in-vestment of US$6.O9 billion,the contracted for-eign investment of US$3. 159 hillion and the ac-tually illvested foreign capital of USS 1. O75 billion.
作者 孔祥琴
出处 《今日山西》 1999年第1期18-19,共2页 Shanxi Today








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