THE SINO - US Educational &Academic Exchange Symp0sium wasorganized and convened jointly byShanxi’s Educational InternationalExchange Association and New YorkCity University originally in 1985,first in Taiyuan a11d then in New Yorkand t0tally seven symposiums wereconvened in past 12 years. Althoughduring this period the Sino - & - USrelationship experienced various difficulties and turhulence* the aca-demic exchange symposiums still havekept on convening as planned, andthe great achievements of the aca-demic exchange symposiums 0bviouslymade in Shanxi’s educationa1 and a-cademic circles.
THE SINO - US Educational &Academic Exchange Symp0sium wasorganized and convened jointly byShanxi's Educational InternationalExchange Association and New YorkCity University originally in 1985,first in Taiyuan a11d then in New Yorkand t0tally seven symposiums wereconvened in past 12 years. Althoughduring this period the Sino - & - USrelationship experienced various difficulties and turhulence* the aca-demic exchange symposiums still havekept on convening as planned, andthe great achievements of the aca-demic exchange symposiums 0bviouslymade in Shanxi's educationa1 and a-cademic circles.
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