Kaiche is a village of Wenshui County, with a population of 1 1600 and cultivated land of 3200 mu. In 1997, its total value of industrial and agricultural output was more than 35O million RMB, and its taxes & profits was 7 million RMB. Kaiche has rich experience in the construction of democracy and legal system in two aspects, first of which is to do things according to the regularions of the village. The second is to let the villagers be manage of their own village affairs.
Kaiche is a village of Wenshui County, with a population of 1 1600 and cultivated land of 3200 mu. In 1997, its total value of industrial and agricultural output was more than 35O million RMB, and its taxes & profits was 7 million RMB. Kaiche has rich experience in the construction of democracy and legal system in two aspects, first of which is to do things according to the regularions of the village. The second is to let the villagers be manage of their own village affairs.
Shanxi Today