针对"一带一路"建设工程肯尼亚内马铁路项目沿线缺乏河砂的现状,采用肯尼亚当地原材料,从胶凝材料体系优化、水胶比、粉煤灰掺量、砂率、机制砂石粉含量等角度对机制砂轨枕C60混凝土配合比进行研究,并采用优选配合比进行了轨枕试生产和轨枕静载试验。试验结果表明:采用机制砂可配制出满足现行铁路标准要求的轨枕C60混凝土;采用机制砂轨枕混凝土生产的轨枕外观质量良好;轨枕静载试验合格,枕中开裂荷载为139~149 kN,枕下开裂荷载为210~237 kN,具有一定富余,安全性较高。
Taking into account the lack of river sand along the Nairobi-Malaba railway project, the paper makes use of raw material available in Kenya and studies the mixing ratio of C60 concrete applied to the machine- made-sand sleeper from various perspectives, for instance the optimization of gel materials, water to hinder ratio, content of fly ash, sand ratio and the content of machine-made sand. On this basis, the premium mixing ratio is applied in both the trail production and the static tests of sleeper. The results indicate that the machine- made sand helps to manufacture the C60 concrete consistent with the current railway standards on sleeper concrete, as the sleeper promises great quality and appearance. Proven qualified in the static tests, the sleeper registers 139-149 kN and 210-237 kN in the crack loadings of the central part and the lower surface respectively. Therefore, it delivers great safety performance and is fully competent to be applied on site.
China Railway
Belt and Road initiative
Nairobi-Malaba railway
machine-made sand
sleeper concrete