The New Era Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics is put forward at the time of Karl Marx's 200th anniversary birthday,and it should be taken as discourse of national governance different from western liberalism.Trapped in the un-experimented value of individual freedom,western discourse always swung among state,economy and society.The collision of free growth and compulsive export of liberalism implies us the paradox of western discourse which can’t be evolved in the contradiction between neo-liberalism and radical thought.On the contrary,Marxism is based on practice,which distance itself from the un-experimented value equipped the methodology of specific attitude on historic context.Marxism has combined with reality of China through the process of localization,which laid the basis for founding governance P.R.C.The New Era Of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics is in line with Marxism that provides China the path in the context of both global risk and domestic transformation.Based on the discourse,it is China's national governance that could explained in three dimensions.To begin with,seek modernization mode different from western modernity.Next,construct democracy and rule of law in line with Chinese context.On top of these,,the value of justice in line with good governance should never be ignored.
Social Sciences in Yunnan