数据中心Tier3等级是美国Uptime Institute发布的数据中心标准,并得到全球的广泛认可,现国内设计的数据中心很多都参考其标准,并且按T3等级设计的数据中心居多。T3等级数据中心要求数据中心系统可以在线维护。为达到这个要求,空调末端冷冻水系统一般采用双母管环路设计,保证末端冷冻水系统可以在线维护。在末端冷冻水系统设计中,由于环路水量复杂多变,且需要考虑管线设备在线维护情况,为了计算简单,一般水泵扬程按单路工况计算阻力,这一数值大于在系统日常双母管环路运行工况数值,且大于系统单点维护时所需数值,从而导致水泵不经济运行,造成能量浪费。以某数据中心为例,通过理论分析和PIPE-FLO(水力计算软件)验证最终确定最不利维护点。
Tier3 is the code of Data Center which published by Uptime Institute and accepted by the industry. Most Data Center of China which build recent years are up to the standard. Tier 3 Data Center request multiple cooling distribution paths. When maintain one pipe, chilled water can through the other way to reach the terminal. Cause is hard to specify the flow rate of each pipe of the chilled water system. Engineering calculation use one distribution path to calculate the total head of the chiller water pump. In this condition the total head is bigger than the total head when use two distribution path. What more, this condition the total head is bigger than the total head when one pipe doing maintenance. So the chiller water pump working inefficiency. This article find out the critical pipe when the chilled water system doing maintenance through theoretical analysis and PIPE,FLO (hydraulic calculation software) calculation.
Contamination Control & Air-Conditioning Technology