
论“认罪认罚案件”中的有效辩护——以诉讼合意为视角 被引量:60

On Effective Assistance of Counsel in the cases of those Confessing to Their Crimes and Accepting Punishments:From the Perspective of Litigation Consensus Theory
摘要 我国认罪认罚案件中存在有效辩护缺位的情况。问题根源在于我国尚未确立起认罪认罚案件中的有效辩护理念。从诉讼合意的角度切入并展开,能为认罪认罚案件中的有效辩护问题提供更为坚实的理论支撑。认罪认罚案件中有效辩护的意义是首先要厘清的一个前提性问题。认罪认罚案件中存在的三种诉讼合意(认罪合意、认罚合意及程序适用合意)是该类案件程序简化的正当性基础。为了确保上述三种合意的有效性,被追诉人应当获得有效的律师帮助。认罪认罚案件中有效辩护的实现应以落实值班律师制度为核心。首先,关于值班律师角色定位等基本认识的转变是落实值班律师制度的基础;其次,值班律师的介入条件、诉讼权利以及辩护职责等方面的具体规则应得到进一步的明确;最后,应从值班律师工作站的建设、履职条件保障、培训和考核、电子科技运用等方面完善相关的配套机制。 Effective assistance of counsel is absent in China's cases in which the accused confess to their crimes and accept punishments. The root of this problem lies in the fact that China hasn't yet established the concept of "effective assistance of counsel"in "confessing to crimes and accepting punishments"cases. From the perspective of litigation consensus theory,more solid theoretical support can be provided for "effective assistance of counsel"in "confessing to crimes and accepting punishments"cases. The first premised problem is to clarify the significance of the effective assistance of counsel in "confessing to crimes and accepting punishments"cases. The three kinds of litigation consensus( confession consensus,accepting punishments consensus,and procedure application consensus) are the legitimacy basis for the procedure simplification in "confessing to crimes and accepting punishments"cases. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the three above-mentioned litigation consensus,the accused should have effective assistance of counsel. Making the duty counsel system workable is the key to realize the effective assistance of counsel in "confessing to crimes and accepting punishments"cases. Firstly,it is the basis of implementing duty counsel system that we should change some essential understandings about the character of duty counsel and so on. Secondly,specific rules are supposed to be made clearer,such as the condition of duty counsel's participant,procedural rights and the duties,and so on. Last,we must improve the related supporting mechanism,including establishing "duty counsel stations",guaranteeing the conditions for performing duties,training and evaluating counsels' behaviors,using electronics technology,etc.
作者 贾志强 Jia Zhiqiang
出处 《政法论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期171-184,共14页 Tribune of Political Science and Law
基金 中国博士后科学基金第61批面上资助项目(2017M611309)阶段性成果
关键词 认罪认罚案件 有效辩护 诉讼合意 值班律师 量刑协商 "Confessing to Crimes and Accepting Punishments" Cases Effective Assistance of Counsel Litigation Consensus Duty Counsel Sentence Negotiation
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