
Web Agent中的对象逻辑知识库技术

Techniques of Object-Oriented Logic Knowledge Base in Web Agent
摘要 Web Agent技术是近年来互联网领域研究的热点。以国防科研项目“基于multi-Agent的分布式决策支持系统”及其后勤保障应用为背景,介绍了一个基于语义Web与Web服务的多Agent系统,并通过后勤保障原型应用实例描述了对象逻辑知识库的构造。 The research of Web Agent technique is the hotspot in the field of Internet in recent years.Based on the national defense project 'multi-Agent based DDSS' and its application in logistical guarantee,we describe a MAS based on semantic web and web service.Also, we describe the construction of object-oriented logic knowledge base by introducing an application prototype in logistical guarantee.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第A01期61-63,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 对象逻辑 WEB AGENT 知识库 Flora-2 object-oriented logic Web Agent knowledge base Flora-2
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