

Sketch Recognition Method of Combined Graphs for Conceptual Design
摘要 提出了一种面向机械产品概念设计的组合图形草图识别方法。将图形符号看作由多个单笔划图元构成的图形,首先识别出单个图元的类型并提取它们之间的空间位置关系;然后利用结构匹配法对标准图形结构进行定义,将用户绘制的图形与标准图形结构模板进行比较,筛选出结构相同的图形进行第一次图形过滤;再利用傅里叶形状描述子对图形形状进行描述,计算出图形形状相似度,筛选出形状相同的图形进行第二次过滤;最后将结构与形状两个特征相结合并运用到机械概念草图设计中,快速并准确地识别出机构运动副,实现机械结构的草图识别。 This article introduced a sketch recognition method for conceptual design.The graphic symbol was regarded as composition of multiple single stroke graphs.First,the types of individual primitives were identified and the spatial relationship between them was extracted.Then the structure of standard graph was defined by the method of structure matching.A comparison between the graphics drawn by user and the standard template was made to filter out the graphs with the same structure.Then Fourier shape descriptor was used to describe graphic shapes to calculate the shape similarity,and filter out the graphs with the same shape.By combining the two features of the structure and shape,we could quickly and accurately identify the motion mechanism,extract engineering semantics and realize the capture of design intent.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期134-138,共5页 Computer Science
关键词 草图识别 形状描述 概念设计 结构匹配 Sketch recognition Shape descriptor Conceptual design Structure matching
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