There is a big difference between the distributed computing based on the video data and the distributed computing based on the text type data.The video data are unstructured,and the same size of the video that has different content will lead to different execution time.For simple structured data,the default load equalizer of HDFS can solve the problem of load balancing.But the video file has the problem of different access times and complexity inconsistency.Using the default data distribution mechanism of HDFS are not well solve the load balancing problem.In this paper,a new algorithm for massive video data redistribution based on HDFS was proposed.Firstly,the access times and the history analysis time of the video file are recorded.Secondly,the data are quantified and weighted as the load of the video file.Lastly,the means of file replacement are used to exchange high load video and low load video,until each node achieves load balancing.Experimental results show that using the data redistribution algorithm proposed in this paper can reduce the processing time of massive video data.
Computer Science