目的 :分析津医精神运动成套测验 (JPB)有关影响因素及应用价值。方法 :在碘缺乏已纠正地区 ,用JPB测定 392例学龄儿童精神运动发育状况。结果 :JPB水平与语文和数学成绩呈正相关关系。精神运动障碍率随语文和数学成绩的下降而上升。语文、数学低成绩和差评语组与语文、数学高成绩和好评语组相比 ,精神运动障碍相对危险度分别为 6 .7、5 .1和 9.8。结论
Objective:To analyze influential factors for Jinyi Psychomotor Test Battery(JPB). Methods: Psychomotor development of 392 school-age children had measured by JPB in regions with corrected iodine deficiency. Results: JPB levels are positive related to Chinese and mathematics achievement. Psychomotor retardation rate were increased in striking contrast with fall of Chinese and mathematics achievement. Relative risk of psychomotor retardation rate in lower achievement and comment were respectively 6.7, 5.1 and 9.8 in comparison high achievement and comment. Conclusions: JPB is value for evaluate psychomotor development.
psychomotor development psychomotor retardation Jinyi Psychomotor Test Battery(JPB)