目的了解四川省老年人膳食摄入情况及营养状况,为四川省老年人合理膳食提供依据。方法膳食调查主要采用3天24小时膳食回顾法,调味品采用称量法。结果四川省2010-2012年居民营养监测调查中65岁以上老年人谷薯类食物、蔬菜类、水果类、畜禽畜肉类、鱼虾类、蛋及蛋制品、奶及奶制品、大豆及坚果类、油、盐每日人均摄入分别为282.3 g、296.4 g、11.0 g、128.7 g、6.1 g、21.5 g、43.0 g、11.2 g、47.6 g、7.4 g。营养素摄入情况分别为能量2 030 kcal、脂肪96.4 g、蛋白质56.8 g、碳水化合物234.9 g、维生素A 481.5μgRE、维生素B10.9 mg、B20.1 mg、烟酸14.8 mg、维生素C 80.5 mg、维生素E29.7 mg、钙338.7 mg、铁21.1 mg、锌10 mg、硒37.2μg、钠4 725.1 mg。3大营养素的供能比分别为,蛋白质11.2%,脂肪42.7%,碳水化合物46.1%。结论四川省调查点老年人膳食结构还存在不合理的问题。建议增加深色蔬菜与水果的摄入,适量食用鸡蛋、豆制品、牛奶等富含蛋白质的食物。控制畜禽肉类的摄入,减少油盐摄入,防止维生素与矿物质的缺乏。
Objective To understand the dietary and nutritional status of the elderly in Sichuan Province, and to provide the basis for the rational diet of the elderly in Siehuan Province. Methods The dietary survey was mainly based on the 3 days and 24 hours dietary recall method, while condiments were weighed. Results The food daily per capita intake of the elderly people over 65 years old in Sichuan Province from 2010 to 2012, Nutrition surveillance was cereals food 282.3 g, vegetables 296.4g, fruits 11.0 g, meat of livestock and poultry 128.7 g, fish 6. 1 g, eggs and egg products 21.5 g, milk and dairy products 43.0 g, beans and nuts 11.2 g, oil 47.6 g, salt 7.4 g. The intake of nutrients were energy 2 030 kcal, fat 96.4 g, protein 56. 8 g, carbohydrate 234. 9 g, vitamin A 481.5 ixgRE, vitamin B1 0. 9 mg, B2 0. 1 rag, niacin 14. 8 rag, vitamin C 80. 5 mg, vitamin E 29.7 mg, calcium 338.7 rag, iron 21.1 rag, zincl0 mg, selenium 37.2 g, and sodium 4 725.1 rag. The energy supply ratios of three nutrients were: protein 11.2%, fat 42.7%, carbohydrate 46. 1%. Conclusion The dietary structure of elderly people in Sichuan Province from 2010 to 2012, Nutrition combination is not that reasonable. We suggest that the elderly should increase the intake amount of fruits and vegetables, eat appropriate amount of egg, bean products, milk and other foods which is rich in protein. They also need to control the amount of meat of livestock and poultry, and to reduce salt and oil intake.
LIU Mengmeng, LIU Zuyang, LIU Min, YAN Ling, MA Mengting, YANG Yijin(Sichuan Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China)
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
the elderly