目的分析2005-2016年四川省阆中市居民糖尿病死亡率及其变化趋势,为糖尿病防治工作提供参考依据。方法应用Excel 2007计算糖尿病死亡率、标化率、增长速度;应用SPSS对性别死亡率进行显著性检验,采用Cochrn Armitage进行趋势性检验,分析糖尿病死亡率变化趋势。结果 2005-2016年阆中市居民糖尿病死亡716人,占总死亡1.09%,粗死亡率为6.86/10万,标化死亡率为6.75/10万;死因顺位(按单病种排序)由2005年的19位上升至2016年11位;粗死亡率从2005年的4.19/10万上升至2016年的13.03/10万,累计增长210.98/10万,呈明显上升趋势,经Cochrn Armitage趋势性检验差异有统计学意义(χ2=121.041,P<0.01)。标化死亡率2005年4.87/10万,2016年为12.79/10万,累计增长162.63/10万。各年糖尿病死亡率男、女高低不一,2005-2010年(除2006年外)男性死亡率高于女性,2011-2016年女性死亡率高于男性,男女性别比波动在0.72~1.68,年递增速度分别为8.25%和13.34%。糖尿病死亡率随着年龄增长而增高,35岁组开始增加,60~岁组增加更为显著,85~岁组达最高,死亡率为139.73/10万。糖尿病死亡率增长速度与心血管病、脑血管病和恶性肿瘤比较上升最快,年均递增率为10.86%,是心血管病(9.09%)1.19倍,脑血管病(0.66%)的16.45倍。结论阆中市居民糖尿病死亡率近10年上升明显,相关部门应重视和加强糖尿病的综合防治工作。
Objective To analyze the death trend of diabetes and the mortality of diabetes in Langzhong city from 2005 to 2016 and to provide the basis for making measures of controlling diabetes. Methods Excel 2007 was used to calculating diabetes mortality, standard rate and growth rate; SPSS was used to testing the significance of gender mortality and analyzing the trend of diabetes mortality by Cochrn Armitage. Results From 2005 to 2016, there were 716 people dead of diabetes in Langzhong. Accounting for 1.09% of total mortality, crude mortality was about 6. 86/105, standard mortality was about 6.75/105 , the rank order of causes of death rose from 19 in 2005 to 11 in 2016. The rank order of crude mortality rose from 4. 19/105 in 2005 to 13.03/105 in 2016, with a cumulative increase of 210. 998/105, showed a significant upward trend and highly statistically significant by the Cochrn Armitage trend test (X2 = 121. 041, P 〈 0. 01 ). The standard mortality rate was 4. 87/105 in 2005, 12.79/105 in 2016 and there was a cumulative increase of162.63/10s. Diabetes mortality in each of the male and female have different level, from 2005 to 2010 (except 2006) the mortality of diabetes in male was higher than that in female, the mortality of diabetes in female from2011 to 2016 was higher than that in male, male and female sex ratio fluctuated from 0. 72 to 1.68, increasing with a speed of 8.25% and 13.34% each year individually. The mortality increased with age, the mortality of 35 -year- olds group began to increase, the mortality of 60 -year- olds group increased significantly, and the mortality of 85 - year - olds were the highest, with a mortality of 139.73/105. The growth of mortality of diabetes raised fastest compared with cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease and malignant tumor, the average increasing rate was 10. 86% and it was 1.19 times of cardiovascular disease 〈 9.09% ), 16. 45 times of cerebrovasculardisease 〈 0. 66% ). Conclusion The mortality of diabetes in l_angzhong has increased obviously in recent ten years and government sector should pay attention to and strengthen the comprehensive prevention and treatment of diabetes.
XU Hua, LIAO Zhouyong, FU Lirong(Langzhong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Langzhong 637400, Sichuan Province, China)
Occupational Health and Damage
crude mortality
standardized mortality
base growth rate