
不同有机物施用对油菜-红薯轮作模式下养分吸收利用的影响 被引量:15

Effects of Different Organic Matters Application on Nutrient Absorption and Utilization in Rape and Sweet Potato Rotation Mode
摘要 探讨不同有机物施用对土壤肥力与作物养分吸收利用的影响,以达到农田培肥和提升作物养分利用效率的目的。2015年在江西省红壤研究所布置田间施肥试验,设置不施肥(CK)、常量化肥(CF)、减量化肥(RF)、全量化肥配施秸秆(CFR)、减量化肥配施秸秆(RFR)、全量化肥配施生物黑炭(CFB)、减量化肥配施生物黑炭(RFB)、减量化肥配施猪粪(RFP)、减量化肥配施蚓粪(RFV)9种不同施肥处理,研究全量化肥和减施40%化肥条件下配施不同有机物对土壤肥力及作物养分利用效率的影响。结果表明:施用有机物的各处理油菜籽粒和红薯产量较CF处理都有所增加,其中以RFP和RFV处理增产效果最为显著,其增幅分别为76.69%,75.01%和84.73%,69.72%;有机物的施用提升了土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾含量,在连续施肥下,土壤养分水平进一步提升;在红薯和油菜季,不论全量化肥还是减量40%化肥,配施有机物处理相比CF处理均不同程度提高了氮肥、钾肥的表观利用率和偏生产力,其中红薯季RFP处理提升效果最佳,分别达到43.22%,48.55%和22.00,21.45kg/kg,但其磷肥表观利用率和磷肥偏生产力较低,仅为1.91%和3.25kg/kg;油菜季RFV处理的肥料贡献率最高,达到80.41%,但其农学效率较低,为0.67kg/kg。因此,有机物的施用可以达到土壤培肥、增加作物产量和提高作物肥料养分利用率的目的,对于农业生产有重要意义。 This study investigated the effects of different organic materials on soil fertility and crop nutrient absorption and utilization,so as to achieve farmland fertilization and improve crop nutrient use efficiency.A field fertilization experiment was conducted in Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil in 2015 to compare the effects of full scale chemical fertilizer and 40% of chemical fertilizer combined with different organic materials on soil fertility and crop nutrient use efficiency.Nine fertilization treatments were set in this experiment,including no fertilizer(CK),chemical fertilizer(CF),reduction of chemical fertilizer(RF),chemical fertilizer combined with straw(CFR),reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with straw(RFR),chemical fertilizer combined with biochar(CFB),reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with biochar(RFB),reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with pig manure(RFP),reduction of chemical fertilizer combined with vermicompost(RFV).The results showed that compared with the treatments of CF that added chemical fertilizer only,the application of organic materials increased the yields of rapeseed and sweet potato,and the yields in RFP and RFV treatments increased significantly,with an increase of 76.69% and 75.01%,84.73% and69.72%,respectively.The application of organic materials enhanced the content of organic matter,total nitrogen,total phosphorus,available phosphorus and potassium,and the soil nutrient level was also further improved under continuous fertilization.In sweet potato and rape seasons,compared with the CF treatment,the application of organic materials could promote the apparent recovery efficiencies and partial factor productivities of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers,and the effect of RFP treatment was best in sweet potato season,the corresponding parameters increased to 43.22%,48.55% and 22.00 and 21.45 kg/kg respectively,however,the apparent recovery efficiency(1.91%)and partial factor productivity(3.25 kg/kg)of phosphorus in this treatment were low.In rape season,fertilizer contribution rate in the RFV treatment was the highest(80.41%),but the agronomic efficiency was low,which was just 0.67 kg/kg.Therefore,the application of organic materials can improve soil fertility,increase crop yield and the utilization of fertilizer nutrients,which is significance for agricultural production.
作者 邬梦成 李鹏 张欣 成艳红 李大明 刘满强 李辉信 胡锋 焦加国 WU Mengcheng1 , LI Peng1 , ZHANG Xin1, CHENG Yanhong2 , LI Darning2 , LIU Manqiang1 , LI Huixin1 , HU Feng1 , JIAO Jiaguo1(1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, J iangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Solid Organic Waste Resource Utilization, Nanjing 210095 ; 2. Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil, Nanchang 33171)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期320-326,共7页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201503121) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0200106)
关键词 有机物施用 土壤培肥 养分利用率 organic application soil fertility nutrient utilization efficiency
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