
经方组合治疗疑难杂证 被引量:4

Treating Difficult and Miscellaneous Diseases with Joint Application of Classical Prescriptions
摘要 桂枝汤用于外感风寒表虚有汗之证;而麻黄汤用于外感风寒之表实无汗之证;麻黄桂枝各半汤用于在表之邪气郁阻稍重,表现为寒热一天可以发作两、三次,治疗可以小发其汗;而桂枝二麻黄一汤证的表证更轻,恶寒一日发作不超过两日,其发汗之力较麻黄桂枝各半汤更弱;桂枝二越婢一汤为小寒闭表而兼有轻微的郁热烦躁,其治疗为辛温微汗,兼清郁热。太阳蓄水证和蓄血证均为太阳腑证,都有少腹的症状。太阳蓄血证病在血分,无关乎气化的问题,所以小便利,而太阳蓄水证是病在气分,气化不利导致小便不利。蓄血证有如狂或者发狂之证,蓄水证有口渴,消渴之证。那么对于一类既有蓄水又有蓄血证的病证,可以把五苓散和抵当汤联合应用进行治疗。在临床上对于难以潜药用方的证型,可以考虑经方的联合应用治疗。 Cinnamon Twig Decoction is often used to treat exterior deficiency with sweating due to exogenous cold,while Ephedra Decoction is often used to treat exterior excess withoutsweating due to exogenous cold. Combination of half Ephedra Decoction and half Cinnamon Twig Decoction is used to treat seriously stagnated exterior pathogen manifested as outbreak for twice or three times a day. The formula can induce slightly sweating. Combination of Two Cinnamon Twig Decoction and one Ephedra Decoction is used to treatmuch slighter exterior syndrome manifested as aversion to cold and outbreak less than twice a day,its action of sweating is much weaker than that of Combination of half Ephedra Decoction and half Cinnamon Twig Decoction. Combination of Two Cinnamon Twig Decoction and one Maidservant From Yue Decoction is suitable for superficial obstruction due to slight cold combined with slight stagnated heat and irritability,so it is often used to induce slight sweating with pungent flavor and warm nature,and remove stagnated heat. Both Taiyang water-retention syndrome and Taiyang blood-retention syndrome belong to Taiyang fuorgan disease,and have symptoms of lower abdomen. Taiyang blood-retention syndrome lies in blood system,has nothing to do with functional activity of qi,so urination is smooth. While Taiyang water-retention syndrome lies in qi system,and disturbance in qi activity leads to unfavorable urination. Taiyang blood-retention syndrome has crazy-like symptoms,while Taiyang water-retention syndrome has thirst and diabetes symptoms. So for syndromes which have both blood-retention syndrome and water-retention syndrome together,Five Substances Powder with Poria and Resistance Decoction can be combined. For a syndrome which is difficult to choose prescription and proper drugs to treat,joint application of classical prescription can be considered.
作者 崔国宁 刘喜平 CUI Guo-ning, LIU Xi-ping(Gansu University of TCM, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 73000)
机构地区 甘肃中医药大学
出处 《河南中医》 2018年第2期185-187,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 《伤寒论》 经方 联合应用 五苓散证 桃核承气汤证 麻黄汤证 桂枝汤证 张仲景 Treatise on, Cold Damage Disease.s classical prescriptions joint application syndrome of Five substances Powerwith poria syndrome of peach kernel Qi-Guiding l)ecoetion syndrome of Ephedra Decoction syndrome of Cinnamon Twig Decoc-tion Zhang Zhong-jing
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