本控制方法在基础自动化控制部分的程序中加上SSC优化控制单元和Open Loop Trims算法,用来优化立辊轧制。在立辊轧制时从数学模型计算出的原始SSC调节值进行优化处理,将原有的SSC调节值变化趋势由一次直线变为随变连续不规则曲线。使之可以根据SSC的进程中任意一时点,对已知数据进行自适应修正,提高了控制精度。
With the SSC optimization and open loop trims arithmetic in Base automatic control program, the control method can be used to optimizing edger milling. In the edger milling, it optimizes the original SSC correct value which is calculated by mathematical model, and then the SSC correct value' s trend has been changed from linear line to random variation continuous irregular curve. It means that the control methods can self-adaptation correction in whole time during SSC, which advance the controlling precision.
Smart Factory