The switch control circuit can reduce the wiring and is suitable for remote control by using the CAN bus. In order to transform the switch signal into the information of the CAN bus, based on the DVCC-51NET development board produced by the Qidong computer factory in Jiangsu, and TC89C52 chip is used in single chip microcomputer, SJA1000 and TJA1050 chips are used as controllers and transceivers for CAN communication devices, respectively. By using the double throw switch as the input device, and the low power LED lamp is used as the output device, and the 8255A chip is used to expand the STC89C52 port, and the CAN communication system is constructed. Based on the CAN bus, the switch is used as the input signal and the special control scheme for the LED lamp is proposed. The control principle of switch on LED lamp is expounded, and the design idea of CAN bus control software is clarified, and the control process is realized.
XU Zhi-shan(Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Xuancheng Vocational and Technical College, Xuancheng 242000, Chin)
Journal of Xi’an University(Natural Science Edition)