
矿震震动传播与响应规律 被引量:8

Propagation and response laws of mine seism
摘要 针对距离震源不同距离的采掘区域冲击地压显现响应程度不同的问题,采用ARAMIS M/E微震监测系统、PASAT-M便携式微震监测系统和冲击地压多参量过程监测系统开展了矿震发生与响应过程规律研究,并通过井下爆破激发震动试验研究了震动传播衰减规律。结果表明:(1)冲击地压多参量过程监测系统监测到矿震的单参量(煤体应力)、多参量(煤体应力、围岩位移及锚杆受力)的响应过程,实现了震动与响应信号捕捉与记录;(2)矿震单参量响应规律,响应时间短(368 ms),响应过程引起距震源75 m的煤体应力最大升高0.9 MPa,响应终值为煤体应力升高0.5 MPa,矿震的响应并非都是多参量同时响应;(3)矿震引起多参量响应规律,响应时间不同步,响应时间几百毫秒至几分钟不等,响应过程引起距震源150 m的煤体应力整体降低0.7~0.8 MPa、锚杆受力降低7~8 k N、顶煤位移增加4 mm,且捕捉到矿震发生10 h前的岩层位移信息,持续时间1000 ms,位移量最大24 mm,可作为矿震前兆信息;(4)矿井围岩介质中震动能量传播呈指数E=E0eηD关系衰减,距震源200 m范围能量衰减快;震动主频的衰减变化规律也呈指数f=f0eηD关系。距离震源200 m范围的采场、巷道对矿震响应比较显著,与矿震诱发冲击显现区域比较吻合。矿震发生至响应的传播衰减过程的定量关系研究,对进一步提高冲击地压监测预警与防治技术水平具有一定的现实意义。 In order to analyze the response degree problem that different distances from mine seism source, the ARAMIS seismic waves of surrounding rock are different at places with M/E microseismic monitoring system, PASAT-M portable microseismic system and rockburst multi-parameter process monitoring system are employed to study the propagation and response laws of mine seism. The results show that: (1) The rockburst multi-parameter process monitoring system can capture variations of single-parameter (coal stress) and multi-parameter (coal stress, displacement of roadway and anchored bolt force) at the moment of mine seism; (2) For the single parameter laws of mine seism, the response time is short (368 ms), the mine seism-induced increase of the maximum coal stress reaches 0.9 MPa, which is 75 m from seism source, the final increase value of coal stress is 0.5 MPa, and not all the response of mine seism is multi-parameter simultaneous response; (3) For the multi-parameter laws of mine seism, the response time is not synchronized and varies from a few hundred milliseconds to a few minutes. At the place 150 m from the seism source, the coal stress decreases by 0.7~0.8 MPa, the anchored bolt force decreases by 7 ~ 8 kN, and the top-coal displacement increases by 4 mm. The displacement data of strata within l 0 hours before the mine seism is captured with the duration time of 1000 ms and the maximum displacement of 24 mm, and they can be used as the prediction information for mine seism; (4) The attenuation of seismic energy propagation in the surrounding rock of the mine is exponential, that is E=E0eηD. The energy attenuation is fast, within 200 m range of seism source. The attenuation ofmain frequency in the surrounding rock is exponentialf=f0eηD. The response of mining field and roadway within 200 m-range of the seism source is quite obvious, and the area is quite consistent with that of rockburst induced by mine seism. Thequantitative study on the process of the propagation attenuation of mine seism to the response is important to the further improvement of the monitoring, early warning, prevention and control technology of rockbursts.
作者 杜涛涛 DU Tao-tao1, 2(1 .Coal Mining & Designing Department, Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100013, China; 2. Coal Mining Branch, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, Chin)
出处 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期418-425,共8页 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51704155,51574149,51304116) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0804209,2017YFC0804204,2016YFC0801401,2016YFC0801403) 天地科技开采设计事业部青年创新基金项目(KJ-2015-TDKC-11)
关键词 矿震 冲击地压 震动响应过程 震动衰减规律 mine seism rockburst mine seism response process attenuation law
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