
混沌信号自适应协同滤波去噪 被引量:2

An adaptive denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on collaborative filtering
摘要 混沌信号协同滤波去噪算法充分利用了混沌信号的自相似结构特征,具有良好的信噪比提升性能.针对该算法的滤波参数优化问题,考虑到最优滤波参数的选取受到信号特征、采样频率和噪声水平的影响,为提高该算法的自适应性使其更符合实际应用需求,基于排列熵提出一种滤波参数自动优化准则.依据不同噪声水平的混沌信号排列熵的不同,首先选取不同滤波参数对含噪混沌信号进行去噪,然后计算各滤波参数对应重构信号的排列熵,最后通过比较各重构信号的排列熵,选取排列熵最小的重构信号对应的滤波参数为最优滤波参数,实现滤波参数的优化.分析了不同信号特征、采样频率和噪声水平情况下滤波参数的选取规律.仿真结果表明,该参数优化准则能在不同条件下对滤波参数进行有效的自动最优化,提高了混沌信号协同滤波去噪算法的自适应性. Chaos is a seemingly random and irregular movement, happening in a deterministic system without random factors. Chaotic theory has promising applications in various areas (e.g., communication, image encryption, geophysics, weak signal detection). However, observed chaotic signals are often contaminated by noise. The presence of noise hinders the chaos theory from being applied to related fields. Therefore, it is important to develop a new method of suppressing the noise of the chaotic signals. Recently, the denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on collaborative filtering was proposed. Its denoising performance is better than those of the existing denoising algorithms for chaotic signals. The denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on collaborative filtering makes full use of the self-similar structural feature of chaotic signals. However, in the parameter optimization issue of the denoising algorithm, the selection of the filter parameters is affected by signal characteristic, sampling frequency and noise level. In order to improve the adaptivity of the denoising algorithm, a criterion for selecting the optimal filter parameters is proposed based on permutation entropy in this paper. The permutation entropy can effectively measure the complexity of time series. It has been widely applied to physical, medical, engineering, and economic sciences. According to the difference among the permutation entropies of chaotic signals at different noise levels, first, different filter parameters are used for denoising noisy chaotic signals. Then, the permutation entropy of the reconstructed chaotic signal corresponding to each of filter parameters is computed. Finally, the permutation entropies of the reconstructed chaotic signals are compared with each other, and the filter parameter corresponding to the minimum permutation entropy is selected as an optimal filter parameter. The selections of the filter parameters are analyzed in the cases of different signal characteristics, different sampling frequencies and different noise levels. Simulation results show that this criterion can automatically optimize the filter parameter efficiently in different conditions, which improves the adaptivity of the denoising algorithm for chaotic signals based on collaborative filtering.
作者 王梦蛟 周泽权 李志军 曾以成 Wang Meng-Jiao Zhou Ze-Quan Li Zhi-Jun Zeng Yi-Cheng 1) *(College of Information Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China) 2) (School of Physics and Optoelectric Engineering, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期40-47,共8页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61471310 11747087) 湖南省教育厅科学研究基金(批准号:17C1530) 湘潭大学自然科学基金(批准号:15XZX33)资助的课题~~
关键词 混沌 去噪 协同滤波 自适应滤波 chaos, denoising, collaborative filtering, adaptive filtering
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