
土地利用动态规划研究 被引量:10

Study on Dynamic Land Use Planning
摘要 研究目的:重新审视中国土地利用规划的思路和实践,引入动态规划理念,使动态规划理论成为土地利用规划理论的有机组成部分。研究方法:借助时空锥理论、人地权籍时空系统理论,探讨动态规划的机理问题。研究结果:(1)土地利用时空系统的综合性、过程性和多元性带来了纵向时间上和横向空间上的不确定性;(2)在保持土地利用规划原则性和框架性不动的前提下,应增加规划实施过程中的灵活性和弹性;(3)土地利用规划的本质是一种过程性和发展性规划,然而当前中国土地利用规划并没有反映土地利用规划的这种本质。研究结论:(1)时空锥理论论证了土地利用系统是一个动态的时空系统,人们对其演进和发展的认知和利用存在着渐进性、困难性和不确定性,因而土地利用规划也必然存在确定性和不确定性、刚性和弹性之间的矛盾。人地权籍时空系统理论指出地籍限定了土地利用的空间位置、权能边界和土地利用发展权,人们为了克服可利用土地数量的制约,不得不采用土地利用深度开发、提高土地节约集约利用程度的方式,从而实现人与地及其之上的人与人开展土地利用活动关系的平衡。(2)土地利用动态规划认为在规划期内特定地块的类型、用途及规模是可变的,即在固定数量空间资源的情况下,通过发掘规划区的各种内在空间潜力,增加可支配空间资源,为其他用地提供释放和回旋的余地。动态规划的"动"是有原则、有约束的动,这个原则就是通过土地利用效益的提升作为补偿和保证。(3)土地利用动态规划的实现路径从时间尺度来看,规划时序采用逐渐缩口的指标分配办法;规划期限采用区域层级的差别化管理;规划期内采用滚动调整的规划方法。从空间尺度来看,坚持底线思维的前提下,从数量指标分配和土地空间分配两方面着手,促进土地集约节约利用,发挥土地利用规划实施的激励机制作用。(4)在明确土地利用动态规划的原则后,下一步重点需要研究土地利用动态规划的具体技术方法和实践应用。 This the concept of investigate the paper aims to re-examine the theoretical thinking and dynamic planning, which is an integral part of land mechanism of dynamic planning based on the theory practices of China' s land use planning, introduce use planning theory. The research method is to of spatial-temporal cone and cadastral spatial-temporal theory. The results show that: 1 )the comprehensive, procedural and pluralism of land use spatial-temporal system leads to the uncertainties of longitudinal time and horizontal space. 2)We should increase the flexibility in the implementation of the plan to maintain the principle and framework of land use planning. 3)The nature of land use planning is procedural and developmental, however, the land use planning in China does not reflect its essence. It is concluded that: 1 )the theory of spatial-temporal cone proves that human's cognition and utilization of land use system are gradual, difficult and uncertain, which is a dynamic space-temporal system. Therefore, land use planning shows the contradiction between certainty and uncertainty as well as rigidity and flexibility. The cadastral spatial-temporal theory points out that cadastral limits the spatial location, the right' s boundaries and land development rights of land use. In order to overcome the constraints of the available land, we should promote the intensive land use so as to realize the balance of human-land relationship and the balance of human relationship during land use activities. 2)The content of dynamic land use planning means that the type, purpose and scale of a particular plot during the planning period are variable, that is to say, in the case of a fixed number of spatial resources, we can explore the spatial potentials of the planning area and increase available space resources to create available space for other types of land. The principle of dynamic planning is improving land use efficiency as a compensation and guarantee. 3)In order to realize the dynamic planning of land use, from the timing perspective, we can adopt a gradually narrowing index allocation method, besides we can adopt the differentiated management at the regional level and the rolling adjustment during the planning period. From the spatial perspective, under the premise of keeping to the bottom line, we should promote the intensive land use and give full play to the incentive mechanism of land use planning through quantitative index allocation and land space allocation. 4)After the principle of dynamic land use planning has been clarified, we should focus on the technical methods and applications of dynamic land use planning.
作者 张叶笑 冯广京 ZHANG Ye-xiao;FENG Guang-jing(College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, Beijing 100035, China)
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期25-32,共8页 China Land Science
基金 国土资源事务费项目"土地学科进展与土地科学前沿问题研究"(TD171602-01) 中国科协精品期刊工程项目学术质量提升项目--<中国土地科学>(JPQK4-X-043)
关键词 土地规划 动态规划 时空锥理论 人地权籍时空系统理论 land planning dynamic planning spatial-temporal cone cadastral spatial-temporal theory
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